<!-- __RELEARN__ -->

# Colophon

Written and designed by Colm O'Neill, Silvio Lorusso, Cristina Cochior and Manetta Berends — June, July, September 2019 — Rotterdam (NL), Carlow (IE).

Relearn 2017 participants included Roel Roscam Abbing, Max Franklin, Giulia de Giovanelli, Amelie Dumont, Annet Dekker, Julie Boschat Thorez, Ruben van de Ven, Gijs de Heij, Thomas Buxó, Quentin Jumelin, Quentin Astié, Hans Lammerant, Cristina Cochior, Manetta Berends, Silvio Lorusso, Colm O'Neill, Marcel Goethals, Miglena Minkova, Kym Ward, Karisa Senavitis (remote), Amy Pickles, Vasiliki Zioga, Desiree Kerklaan, Anita Burato, Dick Reckard, Émile Greis, Adelina Tsagkari, Anne Laforet, Javier Lloret, Dušan Barok, Joca van der Horst, Claudia Roeck, Jim Wraith, Léna Robin, Natacha Roussel, Máté Pacsika, Jeremy Olson.

General Relearn documents can be found at:<br>
    Relearn 2017 Etherdump (static archive of the note taking / writing pads): <https://gitlab.com/relearn/relearn2017/tree/master/complex.local/home/etherpad/etherdump>

![Quote on one of the doors in Poortgebouw.](relearn-2017.sources/photographs/day-2-selection/P1050611.JPG)

# Tools

<!-- there is also a README in the publication.tools folder with a short intro.... -->

To aid this publication, one tool was created and two existing tools got extended: Etherdump and Distribusi.

* Distribusi is used to integrate the photographs of Relearn 2017 into the publication. A command line photograph EXIF comment inserter was built to annotate photo files inside the files themselves. The tool also comes with a reader to go through the annotations in the terminal. <https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/EXIF-image-commenter>

* An EXIF extension has been added to Distribusi that extracts the EXIF 'Comment' metadata before building web indexes based on the contents of a directory. This function is activated by the flag '-c' or '-captions'. The flag can be used in combination with '-nf' or '--no-filenames' which tells Distribusi not to include image filenames. <https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/distribusi>

* New pad-to-publication features were added to the Etherdump software (on the publish-vs-nopublish branch) and were used to make this publication. They allow for *Etherdumping* a selection of pads that include the `__RELEARN__` magic word inside them. We used this occassion to fork etherdump into *Etherpump*, with the idea to stimulate further experimentation with pad-publishing within. You can find the fork and read more about it here: <https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/etherpump>.

![Fixing chargers and OS installation issues during informal & impromptu skill-sharing sessions.](relearn-2017.sources/photographs/day-1-selection/P1050600.JPG)