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      |  _|"  V  | |   /| |_| |\ |  _|" R \| |_) |/ \| |_) |/ \/ _ \/ /| | | |
      | |___    /| |\  v|  A  |v | |___    |  _ <  I |  __/   / ___ \ v| |_| |\
      |_____|  v |_|v   |_| |_|  |_____|   |_| \_\   |_|    A/_/   \_\ |____/ v
       <<   >>  _// \\_  //   \\  <<   >>   //   \\_  ||>>_    \\    >>  |||_
       (_V_) (_A_)(_R_) (_I_)(_A_) ("_)(__) (__) (__)  (_P_)(_A_)_D_)  (__)  (__)

  Welcome to the etherpad-lite instance hosted by Varia! 
  You are most welcome to use it but please take note of the following things: 
  - The pads are not indexed by search engines, but anyone that knows its URL is welcome to read and edit it.
  - The contents of the pads are not encrypted, meaning that they are not private. 
  - Anyone with access to the server has the possibility to see the content of your pads. 
  - We make our own backups, meaning the the contents of all pads sit on our harddrives potentially indefinitely.
  - Because the identity of a pad author cannot be confirmed, we don't respond to pad retrieval requests.
  - If you rely on the content of these pads, please remember to make your own backups.
  - The availability of the pads is subject to cosmic events, spilled drinks and personal energies.
  If you wish to publish a pad to the Varia etherdump < https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/ > add the magic word __ PUBLISH __ (remove the spaces between the word and __) to your pad.
<!-- __RELEARN__ -->

# Colophon

Written and designed by Colm O'Neill, Silvio Lorusso, Cristina Cochior and Manetta Berends — June, July , September 2019 — Rotterdam (NL), Carlow (IE) .

Relearn 2017 participants included Roel Roscam Abbing, Max Franklin, Giulia d e G iovanelli , Amelie Dumont , Annet Dekker, Julie Boschat Thorez, Ruben van de Ven, Gijs de Heij, Thomas Bux ó , Quentin Jumelin , Quentin Astié , Hans Lammerant, Cristina Cochior, Manetta Berends, Silvio Lorusso, Colm O'Neill, Marcel Goethals, Miglena Minkova, Kym Ward, Karisa Senavitis (remote), Amy Pickl e s, Vasiliki Zioga, Desiree Kerklaan, Anita Burato , Dick Reckar d , Émile Greis, Adelina Tsagkari, Anne Laforet, Javi er Lloret, Du š an Barok, Joca van der Horst , Claudia Roeck , Jim Wraith , Léna Rob in , Nata c ha Roussel , M á Pacsika , Jeremy Olson.

General Relearn document s can be found at: <br>
    < http://r elearn.be/2017 ><br>
    < https:// gitlab.com/relearn/ ><br>
    < https:// gitlab.constantvzw.org/relearn ><br>
    Relearn 2017 E therdump (static archive of the note taking / writing pads): < https://gitlab.com/relearn/relearn2017/tree/master/complex.local/home/etherpad/etherdump >

![Quote on one of the doors in Poortgebouw.](relearn-2017.sources/photographs/day - 2 - selection/P1050611.JPG)

# Tools

<!-- there is also a README in the publication.tools folder with a short intro.... -->

To aid this publication , one tool was created and two existing tools got extended: Etherdump and Distribusi.

* Distribusi is used to integrate the photographs of Relearn 2017 into the publication. A command line photograph EXIF comment inserter was built to annotate photo files inside the files themselves . The tool also comes with a reader to go through the annotations in the terminal. < https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/EXIF-image-commenter >

* A n EXIF extension has been added to D istribusi that extracts the EXIF 'Comment' metadata before building web indexes based on the contents of a directory . This function is activated by the flag '-c' or '-captions'. The flag can be used in combination with '-nf' or '--no-filenames' which tells Distribusi not to include image filenames. < https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/distribusi >

* New pad - to - publication features were added to the E therdump software (on the publish-vs-nopublish branch) and were used to make this publication. They allow for *E therdumping * a selection of pads that include the ` __RELEARN__ ` magic word inside them. We used this occassion to fork etherdump into *Etherpump*, with the idea to stimulate further experimentation with pad-publishing within. You can find the fork and read more about it here: < https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/etherpump >.

![Fixing chargers and OS installation issues during informal & impromptu skill-sharing sessions.](relearn-2017.sources/photographs/day - 1 - selection/P1050600.JPG)